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Friends & Family Program

Travel with a group of 10 or more friends and family on any O.A.T. Small Group or Small Ship Adventure, and you’ll travel for FREE as the Group Leader (11 travelers total). Or you may choose to share the cash equivalent of our FREE trip amongst the members of your group—that way, everyone saves.

Travel FREE when you discover the world with your closest friends and family.

Benefits of Our Friends & Family Program

Our Group Leaders come from all walks of life—but they all share a passion for travel. All of our Group Leaders appreciate the benefits that travelers receive with O.A.T., but as a Group Leader for a Friends & Family Group you’ll also enjoy…

  • Travel for FREE
    Bring at least 10 friends or family with you on any Overseas Adventure Travel Small Ship or Small Group Adventure, and you’ll travel for FREE as the Group Leader.

    African Safaris require 12 to 14 Group Members for the Group Leader to travel for FREE depending on the Safari Adventure selected.

  • Personal support from a Regional Group Account Manager
    As the Group Leader, you’ll be assigned a Regional Group Account Manager to help your friends and family to reserve a trip.

  • Reserve space on your preferred departure
    Once you’ve chosen the destination, we’ll reserve the space for you. This will give you some peace of mind and time to solidify the travelers on your departure.

  • Personalized materials to promote your adventure
    With help from your Regional Group Account Manager you can receive flyers, email templates, and O.A.T. Adventure Travel Planning Guides® to assist you in promoting your adventure.

  • Video meetings or presentations
    Your Regional Group Account Manager can also send presentations about specific adventures or host an interactive Q&A session with travelers.

  • Earn referral credit
    When you refer another Group Leader to O.A.T. and they get 10 or more people to travel with them (11 travelers total), we’ll give you $1000.

Become a Friends & Family Group Leader in 3 Simple Steps

  • Select your itinerary and date
    Choose from a variety of itineraries across the globe. Once you select your departure date, you’ll work with a Regional Group Account Manager and your members can simply call to join.

  • Gather your group—with our help
    Your Regional Group Account Manager will support you as you gather your group members—including by providing you with personalized promotional materials.

  • Enjoy your trip
    If you travel with your group, we’ll take care of the rest! If not, rest assured, your members will be in good hands throughout their adventure, as soon as they arrive at the airport.

Most Popular Adventures for Friends & Family Groups:

Contact your Regional Group Account Manager to get started, or call O.A.T. toll-free at 1-800-353-6262

Group compensation offer requires a group of as few as 11 paying travelers, and is based upon average amount paid per person, including the tour price, extensions, and air; excludes taxes, Travel Protection Plan, air upgrades, and all other discounts and credits. Compensation will be distributed as a cash reimbursement upon departure, with the goal that you will receive your compensation by your return date. Group compensation offer cannot be combined with our Vacation Ambassador Referral Program or any other offer. Group Leaders are not eligible to earn Frequent Traveler Credits on reservations when taking advantage of the group compensation offer. Every effort has been made to present this information accurately. We reserve the right to correct errors.

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