Standard Policies: Offers & Earned Savings

    • To receive any offered savings, you must reserve by the offer expiration date and mention the applicable offer code.
    • Prices shown in the Dates & Prices section of our website do not reflect savings shown in emails, mailed pieces, or any other pages of our website.
    • Offers apply to new double occupancy reservations only and cannot be combined with free or low-cost Single Supplements, our Group Travel Program, or any other offer.
    • Offers cannot be combined with Frequent Traveler Credits at or within 60 days of a Grand Circle Travel or Grand Circle Cruise Line departure OR at or within 90 days for an Overseas Adventure Travel departure.
    • Some dates may require the purchase of a pre- or post-trip extension.
  • In addition to the policies for standard offers, airfare offers are also subject to the following conditions:

    • You must reserve airfare with Overseas Adventure Travel, Grand Circle Cruise Line, or Grand Circle Travel in order to receive air savings.
    • Unless otherwise noted, airfare prices shown in email and mailed offers are from select cities only. Additional departure cities are available—call for details.
    • Frequent Traveler Credit savings are per household, not per person.
    • Frequent Traveler Credits cannot be applied toward the purchase of a discounted trip booked at or within 120 days of any Grand Circle Travel, Grand Circle Cruise Line, or Overseas Adventure Travel departure.
    • Personalized Frequent Traveler Credits shown in emails and mailers reflect your credits as of the date the piece was emailed or mailed. Credits may reduce in value or expire.
    • Consult your My Planner for reduction or expiration dates of Frequent Traveler Credits.
    • Frequent Traveler Credits may only be applied to a trip departing before the expiration date of the credits.
    • Frequent Traveler Credits may only be applied to departures scheduled after the trip from which you earned them.
    • Frequent Traveler Credits will be removed from the trip they are applied to if the trip from which you earned them is cancelled.
    • If you’d like to participate in our Roommate Matching Program, you may not reserve a departure within 30 days of a date that another traveler has requested a roommate.
    • The Program is only available on select deck levels for River Cruises and Small Ship Adventures.
    • A new traveler is a person who has never traveled with Grand Circle, Overseas Adventure Travel, or Cuba with Grand Circle Foundation and does not have a current departure reserved.
    • For a new traveler to receive Vacation Ambassador savings, and for the person who referred the new traveler to receive Vacation Ambassador rewards, a new traveler must mention their referrer’s Name and Customer Number when reserving their first trip.
    • Vacation Ambassador rewards may not be available to the person who referred the new traveler until the new traveler returns from their first trip.
    • Vacation Ambassador new-traveler savings are per person.
    • Vacation Ambassador referrer rewards are per household and may be combined with offers.
    • New traveler Vacation Ambassador savings may be combined with offers.
    • Good Buy Plan savings are per household, not per person.
    • To receive Good Buy Plan savings, you must pay in full by check or electronic funds transfer by the applicable Good Buy Plan deadline.
    • Travelers who make their final payment by check or electronic funds transfer 12 months or more prior to final payment are eligible to receive a 10% Good Buy Plan savings.
    • Good Buy Plan savings are calculated after Frequent Traveler Credits, Vacation Ambassador rewards, Multiple Trips Benefit, and any other offers or credits are deducted from the initial trip price.

Standard Terms & Conditions apply. Every effort has been made to publish this information accurately. We reserve the right to correct errors.